Order Taking & Reservations
We provide professional Order Taking & Order Dispatch services to Cab / Limo Service Providers since 2011 @ cost-efficient rates.
- Enhance your call answering ability of your staff with our team of professional order takers.
- Reduce the burden of managing a staff of order takers / dispatchers by seamlessly redirecting your calls to our team of professionals.
- In case of an unexpectedly high call volume, we make sure every single call is answered quickly, with the “same” level of attention & smile.
- We will handle all your reservation & dispatch call in a professionally while you monitor our operations.
- We keep dispatcher accountable all the time by recording each call, which is evaluated by a team of quality experts.

Vehicle Tracking or VMS Helpline Support
The importance of Security has increased manifold in the perception of customers across the world. May it be a person’s Vehicle, a house or their visit to a restaurant, customers now feel secure with the presence of security devices all around them. Unlike in the 90’s, customers mostly have security cameras around their houses & for their vehicles; they (customers) fully rely on tracking companies and their customer service helpline.
Limousine Dispatch Helpline Services
Your customers deserve not just the best customer service – but an exceptional one. QR serves your customers with the best customer service that will exceed their expectations. With a dedicated and professional team of customer service experts, we confidently agree on challenging KPIs. Try our service!
Contact Center
Quality Resource offers a comprehensive solution for Customer Helpline Support of the tracking companies with its team of experts, who have already been working with us on projects of renowned tracking companies. Our team has been performing on campaigns with challenging KPIs and service levels. We assure the presence of traditional customer service traits in our approach and focus on customer satisfaction on each live contact, acting as a valuable Strategic Partner for our collaborating companies.